Guidelines & policy papers

The key results of the PVP4Grid project are presented in the following hands-on guidelines and recommendations:

Policy advisory papers

The European and 8 national “Policy Advisory Papers” address decision-makers and the wider stakeholder energy and climate action community at EU and national level, delivering policy recommendations on how to make more Europeans become PV Prosumers, and finding solutions that effectively remove barriers and allow the integration of higher shares of renewable into the electricity networks. The European report is in English and the country reports are in the national languages.

Impact of PV Prosumer concepts on grid system

The European and 8 national reports look at PV prosumer concepts and their implications for the electricity grid system and its actors. The emergence of prosumers and energy communities proposes new challenges in terms of technical requirements for the network system and its management, changes in business models, as well as energy policy and regulatory challenges to set the optimal framework conditions. The European report is in English and the country reports are in the national languages.

Prosumer guidelines

Designed to answer the questions that are most frequently raised by potential prosumers during the design and implementation of a particular PV project. These have been developed at the national level in the national language. Additionally, an English summary that describes the national guidelines and offers an overview of the key issues regarding the latest EU legislation developments is also provided.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764786.