Impact analysis

Next to sophisticated simulations of technical, social, economic and ecological impacts, the investigation will include real-life testing of PV prosumers systems in the 8 target countries.

Improved PV-Prosumer Concepts

One aim of PVP4Grid is to classify, improve and test new concepts for current and future PV prosumers. This report defines the improved concepts with focus on the investment and operational phase of assets and in respect of technological components, namely distributed generation units (such as photovoltaic systems) and energy storage systems (e.g., batteries). Additionally, it defines the settings for concepts beyond single direct use. This includes the share of people living in an apartment, as well as the share of vehicles (and in future, electric vehicles).

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Comparison of the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of energy communities

In this research paper, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction potentials of electric vehicles, heat pumps, photovoltaic (PV) systems and batteries were determined in the eight countries of the project. Also, the difference between using prosuming electricity as a community (i.e. energy sharing) and prosuming it as an individual household was calculated.

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Report on socio-economic impacts of PV prosumer concepts

In the eight countries of the PVP4Grid project, photovoltaics plays a key role. However, since the efforts undertaken so far have often not been sufficient to achieve various climate targets, this report focuses on collecting arguments for photovoltaics beyond the ecological perspective. By describing and analyzing socio-economic effects, the resulting macroeconomic benefit of PV prosumers can be quantified. The basis of the calculations is a market outlook in each country between 2019 and 2030, as the objectives of the “National energy and climate plans” (NECPs, published on European level) are to be achieved in this timeframe. The results show the potential share of PV systems that will be used for prosumption in comparison to the overall PV market.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764786.